VDict mobile

(CIS) One of the services run by CompuServe Corporation.
CIS provides a wide variety of information and services,
including bulletin boards, on-line conferencing, business
news, sports and weather, financial transactions, electronicmail, travel and entertainment data as well as on-line
editions of computer publications. CompuServe Information
Service should not be confused with CompuServe Corporation's
other sectors which offer many other services besides the
consumer information service.
CIS is a large international conferencing system (albeit with
a heavy US bias). It provides an access to the Usenet news
(GO INTERNET). More comprehensive Internet access is
planned for the end of 1994. Forum UKCOMP topic Acorn/Z88 is
the place to find Acorn users.
Compuserve's main competitors are AOL and Prodigy.
Telephone: +44 (181) 801 2001 (London), +44 (121) 632 4858
(Birmingham), +44 (1734) 391 064 or 569 025 (Reading), +44
(1272) 255 111 (Bristol).